  • 0828780116/0828948859
  • ivan@thespacompany.co.za


The Spa Company are one of the few companies which are installers of Razul’s

Razul’s are one of the most popular and unique treatments in spa’s.


Razul is an Arabian cleansing ritual to detox, exfoliate and hydrate your skin. Begin with a mineral rich body mud Sit back relax and enjoy the aromas while cleansing your respiratory system and detoxing your body. The ritual culminates under a tropical rain shower to wash away the mud and all your stresses with it. Finish with a peppermint salt scrub to leave your skin feeling sublimely smooth. Lovely to enjoy with friends or as a couple.


What are the Benefits of the treatment?

The immediate benefit of the salt, mud and essential oils will be immediately noticeable in the baby soft smoothness of your skin. The mud, which itself contains moisturising oils, is especially effective on dry skin, since it has a deeply hydrating effect. The treatment detoxifies the skin and promotes the elimination of retained liquids, and is highly favoured by those suffering from joint and muscle conditions and rheumatism, since the heat is soothing and its pain quelling effects are felt long after the treatment is completed.


It is not surprising that the Rasul Mud treatment, which takes place in a hammam or steam room, is often offered as a ‘couples treatment’: few other spa experiences are quite so sensual or relaxing.


Installation a Razul at your spa will definitely be a positive step towards your business and will definitely attract more clients!
